綠田園基金 ---- 有機耕種實踐課程 2024(秋季)
由零經驗開始,學會種植超過 20 種農作物!   為期 6 個月共 10 個星期日的在地實踐課程,專為對有機耕種有興趣,而又未曾參與過耕作活動的人士而設。每位學員各自在約 100 平方呎的耕地上,跟隨導師種植不少於 20 個品種的當造作物,認識不同種類蔬菜的種植技巧,學習如何建造不同的田畦,計劃不同作物輪替,以及使用有機方法作病蟲害管理等等。導師更會直接指導學員耕種上的問題,解決初學者的困惑和疑問。學員亦可在非課堂日子到農場觀察和照料農作物,收成更可與親友分享。   日期: 2024 年 10 月 13 日 ~ 2025 年 2 月 23 日 時間: 上午 10-11 時 或 下午 1-2 時 (報名時須註明所選時段) 地點: 粉嶺鶴藪綠田園基金有機教育農場 適合: 從未有農耕經驗的人士 費用: 3,750元 證書: 出席率達 80% 的學員可獲發出席證明   立即報名:<按此>
WhatsApp Image 2022-04-13 at 2.48.45 PM
秧秧大稻工作坊 2024
秧秧大稻工作坊 2024   萬眾期待的皇牌插秧活動又開鑼啦!快D約埋親朋好友一齊參與一年一度的農場盛事。一家大細或三五知己可以參與以下農場公佈的日子;約埋朋友仔不論大小,滿20人﹝5組﹞就可以自組包團,可自選A-C項、日期及時間,一齊來領略普天之下插秧的威力。   家長們絶不能錯過讓孩子到農場認識本地稻米文化,與孩子齊齊赤腳下田插秧,真正明白「誰知盆中餐,粒粒皆辛苦」學懂珍惜食物。   以下A-C項的活動時間及費用已包含在實習稻田的插秧體驗: A. 插秧、體驗窩籃篩米、擔挑運送稻草 日期: 4月21日(日) 或 5月15(佛誕) 或  8月4日(日) 時間: 上午10:00至中午12:00 或 下午1:30至3:30   B. 插秧、擔挑運送稻草、禾草紥作 日期: 4月28日(日) 或  5月19日(日) 或  7月7日(日) 時間: 上午10:00至中午12:00 或 下午1:30至3:30   C. 插秧、拾柴生火煮蔬菜煲仔飯 日期: 4月7、14日(日) 或 5月26日(日) 或  6月23日(日) 時間: 上午10:00至下午1:00  或 下午1:30至 4:30   報名形式: 以組為單位,每組人數為1至4人 活動費用: 以每組收費,每組上限4人,不足4人亦作一組費用計算,不論年齡,全部入場人士包括成人及孩子計算在內:- A 或 B 項活動 每節每組 650 元 - C項活動 每節每組 980 元*在填寫報名表格前,請先備妥顯示入數日期、時間及金額的銀行入數紙/成功付款頁面截圖/交易紀錄,並需在填寫報名表時上載,以完成報名手續。 **名額有限,先到先得。本會系統在收齊報名表及活動款項後將自動保留位置及開始排序,如額滿將安排退款。提交活動報名表及活動款項後7個工作天,仍未收到本會回覆電郵,敬請致電與我們聯絡。   ***歡迎包團參與活動,包團人數需最少5組人(20),日期可自訂,詳情請致電 2674-1190 與我們聯絡。   活動地點: 新界粉嶺鶴藪村18 號 綠田園基金有機教育農場,請參看「怎樣來綠田園基金」   報名方法: (1) 報名前請先參閱「注意事項」 (2) 備妥顯示入數日期、時間及金額的銀行入數紙/成功付款頁面截圖/交易紀錄 (3) 填妥 <網上報名表格>,及在表格內上載相關的付款證明 (4) 付款方式可選擇: 直接轉帳,匯豐銀行:039-1-065489 使用「支付寶香港」AlipayHK手機程式掃描下方二維碼進行付款      轉數快FPS,識別碼:101059699   注意事項: 以組為單位,每組人數為1至4人,不足4人亦作一組費用計算,不論年齡,全部入場人士均需計算。 不論年齡及身份,所有參加者均須於活動前預先報名及繳付活動費用才可進場。活動當日不接受即場報名及繳付活動費用。 12歲以下的兒童必須由成人陪同參加活動,而陪同的成人亦被視作參加者。 如欲參與是次活動,須提交報名表及繳付活動費用,本會系統在收齊報名表及活動款項後將自動保留位置及開始排序。如額滿將安排退款,閣下亦可考慮更改參與此活動的其他項目、日期或時段。 如參加者單方面取消參與活動,則所繳費用,將不獲發還。 填寫報名表時請清楚核對所選活動項目、日期及時段,一經報名,將不可更改所選內容。 除所選活動額滿,否則所繳費用將不獲發還或不得轉作其他用途。 如本會只收到閣下的報名表或活動款項,並不會進行任何留位或排序。 如閣下在提交活動報名表及活動款項後7個工作天,仍未收到本會回覆電郵,敬請致電與我們聯絡。 回覆電郵內會有申請成功的確認號碼及參與活動的相關提示資訊,參加者請詳細閱讀。 所有活動參加者在進場時,須由本會職員核對參加者資料及確認號碼,並獲派發識別標記,沒有識別標記的人士必須離開,不可於本會範圍內停留。 本會於活動當日並不開放予公眾人士參觀。 【特殊天氣情況安排】- 活動如在舉行前2小時,天文台發出三號或以上颱風、黑色或紅色暴雨警告訊號仍然生效,當天活動將會取消。參加者可選擇更改本項活動其餘尚有位置的日期或項目。如需退款則每項活動每組須扣除$120行政費,其餘所繳費用將獲發還。- 於活動舉行前2小時,上述的天氣警告及信號經已除下,或有效時間只延至活動前2小時或以前,活動將如期舉行。 如天文台已發出其他天氣警告及信號提示,例如:黃色暴雨警告、雷暴警告、酷熱天氣警告等,活動將如期舉行,惟會因應活動性質及現場情況作出調動或調整。 如於活動期間,受天氣或突發事件影響,農場有權終止活動,或作出節目上的調動而不會安排退款。   查詢: (1) 電話:2674-1190(上午8時至下午5時)(2) 電郵:info@producegreen.org.hk
現正招聘:     Development Officer   Responsibilities Develop income funding in general and achieve financial self-sufficiency and financial security; Develop, organize and implement sponsorship, fundraising and marketing strategies and projects for individuals, corporate, foundations and institutions; Plan and execute communication projects to increase public awareness and supports; Develop and enhance relationships with media to ensure maximum and appropriate coverage for the promotion of the organization and its work; Prepare funding proposal, reports, budgets and communication materials; Manage the development and maintenance of the website in order to raise funds and to inform and engage the public; Prepare English and Chinese communications materials, such as web contents, press releases, fundraising appeals, annual reports, quarterlies, bi-monthly e-newsletters, brochures and etc. Ensure all publications and communication materials of the organization are agreed upon for textual and visual constancy Monitor and improve sponsor and donor database and to ensure maximum efficiency of sponsor and donor services and satisfaction Plan and implement exhibitions and events Organize and manage volunteer issues Manage and motivate team members, produce and control annual departmental budget of income and expenditure   Requirement Degree holder in Marketing, Communication or related disciplines, or graduate in any discipline but with extensive experience in fields specified below Considerable experience in marketing, communication, fundraising, and/or public relations, or equivalent, previous experience with NGO is an advantage Excellent planning skills with ability to carry out different tasks simultaneously and prioritise time and resources accordingly Creative, innovative and analytical skills to identify and respond quickly to new opportunities Strong initiative, mature, committed to work and have a strong sense of responsibility Strong interpersonal and team-building techniques Excellent proficiency in written and spoken English and Chinese (Cantonese and Putonghua) Proficient computer and internet knowledge, as well as database analysis Commitment to the mission of the organization 5 working days including Sat/Sun & public holidays Immediately available is preferred     Executive Secretary   Key Responsibilities Reporting to the Chair and to the Board of Directors and leading, supporting and motivating a team of full and part time employees and volunteers, the Executive Secretary will be responsible for:   Liaising with the Board to develop directions, policies and strategies to fulfill the Foundation’s mission; Providing leadership in overall management of the Foundation’s entire daily operations and responsibilities and execution of goals, programmes and initiatives approved by the Board; Implementing sound fiscal management to ensure good financial health of the Foundation; Ensuring appropriate training and development of staff for the fulfillment of the Foundation’s development plans; Establishing and maintaining appropriate internal control system for the efficiency of operations, the safety of physical and digital assets and the compliance with the Foundation’s policies; Promoting the community’s understanding of the scope and extent of services offered by the Foundation and developing good working relationships with other related agencies to initiate opportunities for co-operation and mutual benefit.   Requirements Bachelor’s degree or above from a recognized university in a closely related discipline; Significant record of a senior management position, ideally within an NGO and/or with local farming background; Inspirational leadership and sound team working and motivational skills; Excellent communication capabilities and sound external relationship management; Strong written and oral communication techniques and solid presentation ability; Highly organized, self motivated and personally effective.     About Produce Green Foundation We are a small, non-subvented and non-profit charitable organization, established in 1988 by a group of local enthusiasts concerned about modern farming and the environment.  We set up the first educational organic farm in Hong Kong at Hok Tau, Fanling.  We strive to promote organic farming and greener lifestyles so that they become part of a sustainable culture of humankind.  Please refer to our web page (www.producegreen.org.hk) for more information about the Foundation.     How to Apply Interested parties please send application letter and full resume with current and expected salary to: Administration Officer, 18, Hok Tau Village, Fanling, N.T., or email to: confidential@producegreen.org.hk.  All applications will be treated in strict confidence and the information received will be used for recruitment purposes only. Applications will be retained for a maximum period of six months.
綠田園基金「有機農友計劃」正展開有機農友招募大行動,想享受季節的祝福與大地的恩賜,與家人朋友一起栽種愛心有機蔬菜,感受泥土、陽光、清風、昆蟲……,體會下田之樂與勞動的喜悅。查詢或預約請致電:2674-1190。 (星期六、日及公眾假期上午 9 時至下午 3 時可親身到場查詢;平日時間敬請透過電話預約。)請按此了解更多關於「有機農友計劃」詳情 請按此了解更多關於有機耕種